I am for a healthy living guide ! Презентация выполнена учениками 9А класса Павленко Екатериной Калмыковым Денисом Боевым Виктором.


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I am for a healthy living guide ! Презентация выполнена учениками 9А класса Павленко Екатериной Калмыковым Денисом Боевым Виктором

Ничто так не истощает и не разрушает человека, как продолжительное физическое бездействие и вредные привычки Аристотель Аристотель

Bad and Harmful Habits

Working on a computer, watching TV When you do it one or two hours its not bad. When you do it one or two hours its not bad. You can get a lot of new information, it helps to do you homework etc. But when its too much it damages you. First of all it s bad for your eyes, brains, nerves system. Other result your sight becomes worth, you cant sleep well and so on.

Inactive way of life You forget to do exercises every morning, you do not go in for sport, you go by car or transport instead of working. You forget to do exercises every morning, you do not go in for sport, you go by car or transport instead of working. It means you ruin your health, your muscles dont work, your weight become more and more, your sleep is bad. It means you ruin your health, your muscles dont work, your weight become more and more, your sleep is bad. Stop do it and start to move.

Overeating Overeating is bad first of all your stomach and liver. It can be a cause of some diseases and obesity, It can be a cause of some diseases and obesity, you can change your metabolism and you can change your metabolism and get a lot of problems. get a lot of problems.

Exchanging of your clothes with your friends of cause it is not hygienic. of cause it is not hygienic. You can get some infections, contagious or skin diseases.

Mobile phones its very convenient to be connected everywhere and every minute. its very convenient to be connected everywhere and every minute. But its known that mobiles can be harmful because electric waves which make bad influences on your health. Especially it dangerous to use mobiles in an underground and tunnels. In order to find their stations mobiles increases the amount of the waves. Try not to spend all days long with your mobiles.

Drinking alcohol is absolutely harmful for you. It is a disease which ruins not only your organism, but your personality too. It affects your health, first of all your liver. It affects your health, first of all your liver. Beer is also alcoholic drink and the result will be the same as from wine, vodka and etc.

Smoking is widely spread nowadays. Many people smoke without thinking about themselves and about people near them, especially children. is widely spread nowadays. Many people smoke without thinking about themselves and about people near them, especially children. Smoking damages your health: such organs as lungs,bronchial, tubes, heart and others. Smoking damages your health: such organs as lungs,bronchial, tubes, heart and others. Stop smoking today or it will be late. Stop smoking today or it will be late.

Tobacco brings harm to the body, destroys ability to think, dazes the whole nations O.Balzac « Табак приносит вред телу, разрушает разум, отупляет целые нации » О. Бальзак

We are for a healthy living guide ! And YOU?