Pluses and minuses of Bologna process Выполнил: Романов Илья Павлович 93-ОП.


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Pluses and minuses of Bologna process Выполнил: Романов Илья Павлович 93-ОП

Definition The Bologna process – it is a process of convergence (сближение) and harmonization of education systems in Europe under the Bologna Agreement, to create a single European Higher Education Area.

A bit of history In the Italian city – Bologna - in 1999 at a special conference of education ministers from 29 European countries adopted (принять) a declaration - the Bologna agreement. Now there is 45 countries. Russia acceded (присоединилась) in Thus (тем самым), our country has committed up (взяла обязательство) to reform the national education system in accordance (в соответствии) with the basic provisions (положения) of the Bologna Declaration before 2010.

Changes in the education (Bologna system) Learning at school twelve years Three stages of higher education: Bachelor (4 years), Master (2 years), PhD (3 years). Academic mobility (мобильность). This is when students "move" from one institution to another to share experiences (обмен опытом) and gеt a knowledge that may not be available (недоступны) in "his" university. Method of evaluation (оценка) of knowledge on the European system of offsetting (взаимозачет) credits - ECTS. For each take the course the student will receive (получать) credit units – credits, expressing (выражающие) the number of hours listened. European Diploma Supplement. The system involves (подразумевает) continuous (непрерывную) study during the semester, which is most likely, will not relax during the school year.

Pluses of reform -Credit-modular system makes teachers and students work harder; -This system reduces (сужает) the training (подготовку) of students within (в рамки) their specialty, which gives a better preparation (подготовка) for graduates (выпускников); -The introduction (введение) of the modular system allows you to create competition within the group, which leads (приводит) to high-quality training sessions; -Accumulation (накопление) of points makes it possible to get a reward (вознаграждение), which called "automatic", which allows you to get on the exam score is proportional to the number of points earned (заработанных) during the semester; - Autonomy of the student in selecting the subject that crosses out (зачеркивает) not prepare students for employment due to lack o f interest (с отсутствием интереса); -Mobility enables (дает) the students to begin study in the same university and graduated in any other university as his country's and Europe where we have introduced (введена) the Bologna system. -European Diploma Supplement. -Only in Russia will stay specialty (special secondary education)

Pluses of reform (newspaper) -It is assumed that the bachelors will form the bulk (основная масса) of workers, and from the magistrator - the intellectual elite. Education Bachelor's aimed at a broad range (широкая область) of professional activities (деятельность), they learn narrow profile of knowledge and features of specific professions. Bachelors in our country to meet (удовлетворит) the increased demand (возросший спрос) in recent years for higher education. -In addition, the Bologna system will allow to combine knowledge: it is possible to become bachelors in the same specialty, and magistrate students can finish in another. Indisputable advantage (бесспорное преимущество) is the appearance of mathematicians and economists, chemists and biologists, lawyers and economists. People dont go to univercity for second high education - New educational system provides for a "lifelong" education, with additional education programs for graduates.

Minuses of reform - Basic training is the writings, not in the acquisition (получение) of knowledge as the central theme is "chasing points« (погоня за баллами). And instead of learning, a student at the dark night "stamp" essays (реферат); - Given the autonomy on the one hand it is good, but if you look real life, it is possible that 17-year-old student aware (осознает) what he needs, he naturally chooses the subject easier, - In the educational process excluded (исключил) such a degree (степень) as a bachelor and it is destroy the programm. The Bologna process has traditional three degrees: Bachelor, Master and PhD. But in nowadays we have four degrees.

Minuses of reform (newspaper) - Universities which not included in the Bologna process will be further (в дальнейшем) deprived accreditation (лишены аккредитации) and money. In the bachelor does not provide scientific leadership (руководство) and interaction (взаимодействие) with faculty. It will only be available to magistrator. Naturally, it will hit the level of education of Russian graduates, and will lead to a reduction in teaching staff (сокращение преподавательского состава). As a consequence (как следствие), it lead to the collapse of many scientific schools and directions. - New evaluation system of knowledge dont credible (не вызывает доверия). In many ways it operates not correctly, ambiguous (двусмысленно) and not biased (необъективно). And teachers dont understand it.

Conclusion In Bologna there are both pluses and minuses. Certainly, the idea of the Bologna process has a chance to exist and develop, but it does support from both the state and from students, teachers. Countries that have introduced this process should help each other and improve the process given the prevailing practice at this stage to adjust the cons, turning them into advantages.

What will be in future? Improving the process should be gradual, it should give the particularities of each country, their traditions, culture, mentality But education system, how could we not try, can not be ideal for all countries.

Who will we be in future?


The end. Applause!