Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in Russia Prof. Evgeny Knyazev Director, Center for University Management,


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Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in Russia Prof. Evgeny Knyazev Director, Center for University Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation

Structural problems of Russian Education Создает общественное благо = социализация Проблема качества Общее образование Создает общественное благо = готовность к продолжению образования, к освоению новых компетенций + коммуникационные компетенции (информатика, иностранный язык, навыки презентации) Проблема разрыва формы и содержания «Общее высшее» образование Создает частное благо = капитализация личности Для России сегодня профессиональное образование приобретает элементы общественного блага Проблема качества Проблема структурного несовпадения с экономикой Профессиональное образование schools Colleges and HEIs

Structure of System of the HE Institutions Number of HEIs Yearly enrollment ( Number of students) Number of students Graduates in 2007 Total Academies Universities Institutes

Russian universities NumberEnrollment Total number of students Graduated in 2007 Technical/technological Agricultural Pedagogical Medical Humanitarian Others

Researarch at the HEIs 2009 год Удельный вес средств, полученных от проведения научных исследований Удельный вес бюджетного финансирования фундаментальных и прикладных исследований в общем объеме бюджетного финансирования

Allocation of the HE Institutions

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO7 LLL as ideology –На практике – отказ от жесткого государственного регулирования «образования для взрослых» + мягкое стимулирование в важных для общества секторах (например, курсы переобучения для безработных или корпоративные университеты в госкомпаниях) Increasing selectiveness of the tertiary education content Development of the Education program Market Selection and support of talents («future innovators») –В том числе, создание бизнес-инкубаторов, инвестиции в студенческие старт-апы и поддержка перспективных выпускников на рынке труда –создание для них особых условий, позволяющих реализовать свой потенциал и найти ему применение на практике Towards new Model of Education: some basic principals

Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO8 New requirements for staff: –Professor as a navigator for student –Стимулирование создания свободного рынка кадров профессорского- преподавательского состава (эффективный контракт – как основа) –Attractive financial conditions for staff (average level in economics) –Inclusiveness of staff members in practical activity (2020) as a norm (по крайней мере, для ведущих вузов) Modernization of management in education: –Less state control on quality –Main regulators are professional society and families –New legal status (more autonomy) –More professionalism –More outcome orientation Towards new Model of Education: : staff and management

Budget funding: structural dynamics (2006 – 2009) (I.V.Abankina) M XL L XXL S Average Mediana Average Mediana M. rub.

State policy implementation: tools for differentiation in HE Priority national project Education– short terms investments изменения, вне регулярных механизмов финансирования, в сжатые сроки и по ограниченному набору приоритеных направлений развития Federal programs – 5-years, targeted system changes программы для общесистемных изменений, их осуществления и закрепления Governmental grants – involvement of universities into the National economy innovative development (кооперация с предприятиями, развитие инновационной инфраструктуры вузов и т.д.)

Priority national project Education for Higher Education National competition of the HE institutions implementing innovative educational programs of new generation ( 57 HEIs, up to 40 M USD) Creation the System of Federal universities ( : 9 HEIs, 400 M USD) Development of the System of National Research Universities ( : 29 HEIs, up to 70 M USD)

MSUSPSU Siberian FUSouthern FU...9 …MIPhI...29 Other HEIs Fundamental investments in Russian HE Geopolitical tasks, Regional socio-economic development Intellectual investments in Hi-Tech-Sectors Accessibility and quality Current Institutional Landscape of Russian Higher Education

Network of National research universities Purpose – advanced R&D at universities –50% of budget funding – contracts for R&D (now – only 15%) –Funding of international research centers at universities – Infrastructure for support of graduates (till 20%)

Geography of leaders

Leading Russian Universities Network Archangelsk Rostov Ekaterinburg Krasnoyarsk Yakutsk Vladivostok Kazan (3) S-Petersburg (4) Moscow (11) Samara Perm (2) N.Novgorod Tomsk (2) Novosibirsk Belgorod Irkutsk Saransk Saratov Chelyabinsk - MSU, SPSU - Federal university - National research university 15 Kaliningrad Stavropol

Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in Russia (1) Special set of indicators for federal universities: «National and international recognition» Business reputation Public opinion Positions in rankings

FUPosition in ranking Ranking Archangelsk250TIMES Kazan350TIMES Ekaterinburg300QS Yakutsk100Interfax Krasnoyarsk20Interfax Rostov250TIMES Russian federal universities to 2020

Independent ranking (sponsored by «Interfax») 6 sets of indicators: education research social servises International activity brand Innovation and commercialization of intellectual property

Problems Wrong motivation (on federal political level – national task, on regional political level – source of pressure, on institutional level - positive reports) «Внешняя, но не внутренняя адресность» на всех уровнях Difficulties of measurement (MSU, SPSU МГУ и СПГУ забивают всех ). Weaknesses of methodology and statistics

Ranking as tool for creation diverse and competitive higher education landscape in Russia (3) Competition of HEIs implementing educational programs of new generation Competitive selection of National research universities Competitive selection of HEIs for state support for creation of Hi-Tech-enterprises and innovative infrastructure development

Model of selection Two sets of the measurable criterias : –Quality of project –Quality of potential Three stages of selection procedure –Quality of project => ranking 1=> semifinalists –Evaluation of the HEI potential => ranking 2=> short list –Debates of independent selection juries => winners

Thank you for attention Prof. Evgeny Knyazev Tel