«Урок это зеркало общей и педагогической культуры учителя» В. А. Сухомлинский Современный урок в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС имеет следующие этапы:


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«Урок это зеркало общей и педагогической культуры учителя» В. А. Сухомлинский Современный урок в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС имеет следующие этапы: Организационный момент Актуализация знаний Проблемы объяснения нового знания Первичное закрепление Итог, рефлексия Системно-деятельностный подход – основа ФГОС, формирование УУД. Виды УУД: Личностные Регулятивные Познавательные Коммуникативные Основная педагогическая задача: Чему учить? Ради чего? Как учить?

План-конспект урока в 10А классе по программе углубленного изучения учебник О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева Unit Two - Man the Believer Тема урока: «Религиозное понимание и толерантность – ключ к мирной жизни» Цель урока: Обучающая: 1.Научить пониманию, осмыслению информации по теме 2.Развивать навык неподготовленной речи и способность принимать участие в полилоге 3.Мотивировать учащихся на изучение английского языка, актуализировать знания Развивающая: 1.Научить ученика коллективным навыкам, поведенческим реакциям 2.Развивать способности слушать, слышать, обсуждать информацию 3.Формировать способности обсуждать события эмоционально Воспитывающая: 1.Объяснить учащимся понятие толерантности 2.Воспитывать у детей взаимодоверие и терпимость к поступкам друг друга 3.Научить учащихся основам духовной культуры, воспитывать положительные поведенческие реакции Тип урока: - комбинированный, с целевым назначением и получением конечного результата, проблемно- диалогического обучения, рефлексия.

Планируемый результат: Дидактическая задача урока реализуется: предметные и метапредметные задачи урока как результат через УУД. 1.Учащийся научится свободному монологическому высказыванию по теме (предмет – английский язык). 2.Учащийся как часть общества найдет способ мыслить в пространстве. 3.Учащийся получит возможность сравнить и проанализировать полученные знания с уже имеющимися по предметам: «История», «Обществознание», «Литература». 4.Учащийся научится общению и уважению человека другой культуры и веры. 5.УУД и планируемый результат учащихся соотнесутся с 4 содержательными мнениями и разделами предмета «Английский язык». а) коммуникативные умения в основных видах речевой деятельности: аудировании, говорении, чтении, письме. b) языковые средства и навыки пользования или в процессе усвоения и закрепления материала по данной теме. c) посредством УУД у учащихся повышается социокультурная осведомленность. d) сформулируются новые общеучебные и специальные учебные умения. Оборудование урока: 1.мультимедийный проектор 2.раздаточный материал по лексике 3.художественная и библейская литература 4.аудиодиск с заданием урока 5.рефлексивные символы

Ход урока Мотивация по этапам учащихся: принцип целостности. I.Самоопределение к деятельности, целеполагание. II.Актуализация знаний. Формы работы (гр, пар, инд.). Постановка учебной задачи «открытие нового знания». III.Первичное закрепление. IV.Самостоятельная работа УУД учащегося. V.Включение нового знания в систему знаний, повторение, закрепление. VI.Рефлексия. Актуализация знаний. T:Good morning, friends. The item of our lesson is Man the Believer. We name todays class Religious understanding and tolerance is the way to a peaceful life The goal of the class 1.learn to speak on the topic, using good English. 2.develop the skills of communication in a group. 3.realize the meaning of tolerance. 4.form good manner of spiritual culture: acts and behavior. T: We are continuing to discuss the important idea Man the believer. Historics declare that religious misunderstanding is the main reason of starting wars, aggression and terrorism. T: What do you think about it? Why do people fight? What shall we do to stop it?

Полилоги. УУД «Почему?» P 1 : I think well clear up the idea of tolerance. P 2 : To my mind I'd know the leading religion better. P 3 : From my point of view we should realize the role of the religion in our lives. P 4 : Our city of Bratsk is international too, we meet people of different nationalities and confessions, and sometimes we hate them. P 5 : Wow! But it's just everywhere. T: Lets discuss it. Is it possible to coexist together? Listen to some students about 4 religious, as leading ones in the world.

4 религии мира (презентация 1) Полилоги-дебаты после просмотра презентации о 4х религиях. «Зачем?» P 1 : Well, is it necessary to study ancient religions? We have our religion Christianity and thats enough! P 2 : You are wrong, I think, well understand people better when we know much more about religions. P 3: Oh, Im quite agree with you. Our religions are so different as we are. Thats why modern people should respect the belief of other people denying immortality and crime. P 4 : That's fine, but how about the CROSS executions in the Middle Ages, the soldiers took children with and the observed those killings. And you call Christians peace loving people? P 5 : To my mind its the sample of the fact, that European governments solved their financial and political problems using religious misunderstanding in the Middle Ages. P 6 : You see friends, people dont change through years. Modern terrorists are just the same ones. They pushed people to fight using religious differences. P 7 : What will the rest people do? P 8 : I am sure we should strengthen our country and our belief. T: Im proud of you; you talk like as adult, civil people.

Полилоги-аргументы «Против». T: But history says, sometimes religion is rude, cruel to people. What do you know about it? P 1 : I know about the CROSS executions. The soldiers took children and they observed those killings in the Middle Ages. P 2 : I have been reading a book Jane Eyre about an orphan girl from the strict religious Victorian family. She had a lot of sufferings. Монологи «Я думаю». P 3 : Well, the problem of peaceful cooperation of nations with different religious ideology is the main problem of modern world. Mankind realized the necessity of religious understanding of tolerance for saving peace in the world. Events in the Near East are the sample of religious lack of mutual understanding between tribes living on the same territory. People of West Europe begin to opposite migrants from Eastern Europe. P 4 : I think, our city of Bratsk is international too since 1955, the great Komsomol buildings. Those years people lived in the Soviet Union, but it has been broken and now we have religious problems and sometimes express negative feelings against migrants.

Аудирование «The Passover». T: We know other religion worse, let's speak about Christianity. In spring we, Christians, celebrate the Passover, the Easter and say: Christ is risen and believe in kindness. People of all nationalities come to the churches and pray for life. Now listen to the story Palm Sunday and answer the questions: 1.What is the Passover? 2.What did people cry to Jesus? 3.What animal did carry him? 4.Who decided that he should die?

How to build a temple inside of us?(презентация 2) Открытие нового знания. Дебаты. Teacher: You know, friends, the first thing how to coexist with the Gods world? Well, it is written in the Holy Book Bible. What is the Bible? This book was written long ago. P 1 : The Bible contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinner and the happiness of believers. Teacher: While reading the Bible you will pronounce the exact special words – the prayer. It works every day. T: The prayer in all religions can include … T: We pray for parents, teachers, friends, country. Молитва «Отче наш» на английском и русском языках. Fighting of kindness and evilness is everywhere. All religions reflex sins and sinners. T: What sins do you manage to produce? What is the most important sin in your life? P 1 -P 14 : Пороки людей (not loving others, broken promises, not disciplining, not honoring parents, living without self-control, spiritual poverty, mind idolatry, witchcraft, unforgiveness. P 1 : I know the sins as dishonoring of body. T: Every religion accuses it. And what about you?

Рефлексия. а) Мини-резюме T: You see friends, you should improve yourself. Translate some words and catch the idea of your growing up. T: As the reflection of your feelings, tell please what do you think about religion. What is it from your point of view? P 1 : I am a good Christian and I dont smoke. P 2 : I was risen as a Christian and do believe in God, but Im not an overly religious person. P 3 : We all must breathe in order to live, we are using the air to do so, but how many of us ever thanked God for air. P 4 : Depressions, doubts, conceit are harmful to spiritual aspirants. P 5 : Religion brings out the humanness in man and enables him to live in harmony with his fellowmen. It provides the link between the individual and the Divine. P 6 : Religion is not a restrictive concept. Religion is intended to develop the human personality and indicate the basic guideless for right living. P 7 : One of the basic differences between God and Man is: God gives and forgives but human gets and forgets. Be thankful. T: I see you have exactly realized the idea of religion. It is not only the building or the book, it is a very big work inside, to live in peace, rightesness. T: So, what is tolerance? P 8 : I think it is a special highly spiritual behavior respecting people of all nationalities and believes.

б) Итог, оценка ощущений. Цветовые карты T: Now, mark your feelings by cards of 3 colors: 1.Green: I felt comfort. I like it. 2.Orange: Ive learnt much new. 3.Blue: I dont understand some things. Вывод: I think the tolerance is a special highly spiritual behavior respecting people of all nationalities and believes. Thank you very much!


Religious understanding and tolerance is the way to a peaceful life.

The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren and to do good is my religion.

- God - The Lord - Savior - The Supreme Being - Creator - Father - Power - King of Kings HE IS


Symbol – the Cross CHRISTIANITY

Prophet – Jesus Christ CHRISTIANITY

Place of prayer – a church CHRISTIANITY

Clergyman – a priest CHRISTIANITY

A Holy Book – the Bible CHRISTIANITY

Symbol – the Star of David JUDAISM

Prophet - Moses JUDAISM

A Holy Book – the Torah JUDAISM

Place of prayer – a synagogue JUDAISM

Clergyman – a rabbi JUDAISM

Symbol – the Wheel of Life BUDDHISM

Prophet – Gautama Buddha BUDDHISM

Place of prayer – a pagoda BUDDHISM

A Holy Book - Tripitaka BUDDHISM

Clergyman – a lama BUDDHISM

Symbol – the Crescent and Star ISLAM

Prophet – Muhammad ISLAM

A Holy Book – the Koran ISLAM

Place of prayer – a mosque ISLAM

Clergyman – an imam ISLAM

All religions deserve respect and have a place to be.

Praising the Lord, singing. Thanks to the Lord. Reading the version, exact poem from the Bible. Opposition to the devil. Repentance in your sins. Petition for others (people around). Opposition – сопротивление Repentance – покаяние Sin – грех, порок Petition - прошение

Our father which art in Heaven Hallowed be your name Your kingdom is come You will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us our daily bread And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

19. Послушание 17. Святость 15. Хвала 13. Смирение 11. Дерзновение 9. Праведность 7. Мир 5. Любовь 3. Поклонение 1. Вера Постоянство 20. Освящение 18. Благодарение 16. Терпение 14. Благодать 12. Общение 10. Свобода 8. Радость 6. Прощение 4. Молитва 2. спасение Рим. 10:9,10