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Идет загрузка презентации. Пожалуйста, подождите

[ t ] - [ d ] desert, coast, flat, deep, vast, island, due to the fact. [] - [Ө] that, thank, thats why, thanks, thanks to the fact. [ w ] world, wash, - презентация

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Презентация на тему: " [ t ] - [ d ] desert, coast, flat, deep, vast, island, due to the fact. [] - [Ө] that, thank, thats why, thanks, thanks to the fact. [ w ] world, wash," — Транскрипт:

Скачать бесплатно презентацию на тему "[ t ] - [ d ] desert, coast, flat, deep, vast, island, due to the fact. [] - [Ө] that, thank, thats why, thanks, thanks to the fact. [ w ] world, wash," в формате .ppt (PowerPoint)

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