Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка Семеновой Татьяной Викторовной, учителем ГОУ СОШ 985 г. Москвы.


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Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в прошедшем времени, то и в придаточном предложении он должен стоять в одном из прошедших времён.
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Речь какого-нибудь лица, передаваемая буквально так, как она была произнесена, называется прямой речью (direct speech). Речь, передаваемая не слово в.
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Презентация подготовлена учителем английского языка Семеновой Татьяной Викторовной, учителем ГОУ СОШ 985 г. Москвы

Речь, которая передает подлинные слова какого-либо лица, называется прямой речью. Речь, в которой передается содержание того, что было кем-то сказано, называется косвенной. При изменении прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются правила согласования времен. Если глагол, который вводит косвенную речь, употреблен в настоящем или будущем времени, в косвенной речи глагол не меняется. He says, he went there yesterday.

Eсли глагол, вводящий косвенную речь употреблен в прошедшем времени (past indefinite),то в косвенной речи происходят следующие изменения: Present indefinite Past indefinite He said: Nelly right. He said, that Nelly was right. is was is


Present perfectPresent continuous Past continuousPast perfect He said: «She watching T.V. now» He said that she watching T.V. then Jack said: «I done my home work». Jack said that he done his homework. is was have had

Past indefinitePast perfect Mother said: « I bought a new book yesterday Mother said that she bought a new book.had Future Future-in-the past She said: «I go there. She said she go there. will would

Если после глагола to say,есть указание на то к кому эта речь обращена, то глагол to say меняется на to tell. Jeff said to Ann: « I am going to Glasgow.» Jeff told Ann he was going to Glasgow. Союз that часто опускается после глаголов to say, to think, to know. She remembered she had asked him about it.

В утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях происходят также следующие изменения: now then today that day tomorrow the next day the day after tomorrow two days later ago before next year the next last week the previous week here there this that these those She said: « I lived in Rostov two years ago.» She said she had lived in Rostov two years before.

Необходимо обратить внимание на перевод подобных предложений He said he was writing a letter then. Он сказал, что пишет письмо сейчас. The teacher said : « The holidays will begin in a week.» The teacher said the holidays would begin a week later. Учительница сказала, что каникулы начнутся через неделю.

Косвенные просьбы и приказания Повелительные предложения вводятся следующими глаголами: To tell, to order, to ask. Robert: «Сome here!» Robert asked Nancy to come here. Bob to Dan: «Dont be late!» Bob told Dan not to be late.

Вопросы в косвенной речи. Если вопрос общий (начинается с вспомогательного глагола): If Прямой порядок слов «Do you like ice-cream?» asked Tom. Tim asked if I liked ice-cream. do

«Did you see an elephant at the Zoo?» She wondered if I had seen an elephant at the Zoo. «Does he usually clean his room?» Mother was interested if Mike cleaned his room? «Will Pat perform at the concert?» Children were interested if Pat would perform at the concert. «Have you done your homework?» Father wanted to know if I had done my homework «Can you come in two days?» The teacher asked if he could come two days later?

Если вопрос специальный (начинается с вопросительного слова when how why) Вопрос. слово Прямой порядок слов «Where did she spend the holidays? They asked Lilly where she had spent the holidays. did

What have you just done? The teacher asked what I had done. How did the doctor examine her? He was interested how the doctor had examined her. Where will they spend their holidays? She wondered where they would spend their holidays. When does she go to the swimming pool? Jack wanted to know when she went to the swimming pool.

Ada: « Tim will phone us.» Ada said Tim would phone them. Jack: «Does this bus go to the British museum?» The girl asked if that bus went to the museum. Susan: «Can you tell me the way to the station?» Susan asked if the policeman could tell her the way to the station. Pete : «What did you do yesterday?» Pete asked Hellen what she had done the day before. Nick said: «Let s go for a walk.» Nick invited his friends to go for a walk.

Mary said: Tim helps his Granny every day. Mary said Tim helped his Granny every day. Jill said: I went to the Bolshoi Theatre last week. Jill said she had gone to the Bolshoi the previous week. Bob asked: Are they playing computer games ? Bob asked if they were playing computer games. Sue asked: What book have you read lately? Sue asked what book you had read lately. John said: Dont go there! John told Pat not to go there.